4 Services To Offer at Your Salon

Salons aren’t just about hair care anymore, so many other treatments and services are available to customers.
a group of people sitting in chairs

Salons aren’t just about hair care anymore, so many other treatments and services are available to customers. As a salon owner, it’s wise to include at least three or four emerging care services into your everyday services. Even though your business is thriving, there’s still a lot you can do to keep it at the top. Successful businesses stay open for longer by constantly upgrading their methods. So, keep your ears on the ground for new skincare, haircare, and nail care methods, and always be open to learning. If you’re ready to hop on the renovation train, here are a few ideas that could help you get started.



A pedicure is one of the services you don’t want to leave out of your service menu. It has become a must-have in beauty parlors today. Most women would rather get their feet and hair done at the same place instead of going to separate pedicure spas. If you don’t offer this service, your competition probably does and won’t hesitate to capitalize on that.

Most people have their feet covered in shoes for up to 70 percent of the day. Having the skin on your feet covered up for this long can accumulate dead skin, and dirt could also get stored under the nails and between the toes. In addition to this, we’re on our feet for much of the day, so it’s no surprise that they get sore after a few weeks. Pedicures focus on relaxing foot muscles and getting rid of dirt and dead skin.

Botanical Skincare

Botanical skincare uses natural skincare products. This includes oils, herbs, and plant extracts to treat and pamper the skin. These days, people are very picky about the things that go in and on their bodies. People are tired of using synthetic and potentially harmful skin products, so many are moving toward more natural products.

Botanical extracts have amazing healing properties and help promote a natural glow since they’re rich in vitamins like vitamin C and E. For thousands of years, humans have used plant extracts and organic substances to improve skin health. These natural cosmetics also help prevent wrinkles, add moisture to dry skin, and even improve hyperpigmentation and dark circles. They’re also used to treat acne and skin conditions like psoriasis, melasma, and eczema. Note that true botanicals are usually grown and extracted by a professional herbalist and do not contain harsh chemicals.

What’s best about botanical skincare services is that you can make your own products. All you need is a botanical skincare recipe book and some natural ingredients. Botanical ingredients aren’t hard to find. You can visit your local farmer’s market to purchase them easily. You can decide to sell some of these products, like essential oils, creams, and bath salts, on retail at your salon.



Manicures are one of the most common services offered at salons, and most salons have a number of services available. A proper manicure covers the nails, cuticles, and skin around the nails. It’s like a spa treatment for the hands. Usually, before the service, the nail technician will rub some lotion on the hands and give it a light massage while observing the areas that may need some attention, like damaged cuticles or hangnails. Some salons may use a scrub to smooth the skin on your hands. After the treatment is done, most people like to get their nails painted. To keep your customers coming back, you can add a few extras to their services, like a free cup of green tea or a free relaxing chamomile eye mask while they’re getting their nails done.